How to Use Your Mobile Health Clinic to Reach Your Community
There is no greater passion for those working in the medical community than ensuring equal...

Different Types of Blood Drive Vehicles
During a time when we are facing a national shortage of blood donations, it is...

Medical Van vs Medical Bus, Which is Right For Your Clinic?
When choosing a mobile medical unit, the options available are vast. From unique designs and...

Top 5 Ways to Optimize Your Blood Drive Van
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. is in need of blood and or platelets....

The Benefits of a Mobile Health Bus
When choosing a mobile health clinic, there are a variety of size options available on...

How to Use Your Bloodmobile Clinic for Multiple Events
Bloodmobiles offer a valuable service to the local community. These mobile medical units make it...

How a Bloodmobile Can Help Your Community
Bloodmobiles are specialty medical vehicles designed to make it easy to host blood drives from...

New Mobile Medical Vehicles vs. Used Mobile Medical Vehicles
For medical teams, mobile units can help contribute to improved efficiencies in operation, as well...

How to Market a Blood Drive Event
Hosting a blood drive offers many benefits. These events allow blood banks to gather donations,...