Community Outreach
October 12, 2020
The Summit Bodyworks team was honored to be a part of the Vail Valley Foundation’s YouthPower 365 Magic Bus unveiling! With Winnebago Specialty Vehicles providing the chassis and Summit Bodyworks providing the upfit, the fully electric mobile preschool has the makings to handle just about anything a typical preschool would.
This Magic Bus joins Vail Valley Foundation’s pre-existing mobile preschool in a traditional Winnebago chassis which was also upfitted by Summit Bodyworks. This previous vehicle has reached over 725 students between the ages 3-5. With another mobile preschool joining their fleet, they hope to reach more children than ever before.
With the Coronavirus slowing down the original timeline the foundation set to launch the preschool, the anticipation is higher than ever. Luckily, it has given the YouthPower 365 team plenty of time to deck out the interior with crafts, bright posters, and brand new toys.
The Winnebago chassis comes to life through the use of Motiv Power Systems and is even equipped with customized pop-up workstations, whiteboards, cubbies, and a lavatory on board. Maria, one of the preschool’s teachers and drivers said, “it feels like opening the best gift on Christmas morning, but not having the batteries to play with it,” in reference to being unable to have pint-sized attendees on board due to the Coronavirus.
It was a joy to see this project come to fruition for a community who is well deserving of an amazing asset.
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