How to Find a Host for Your Next Blood Drive
For those who work to collect blood donations, one of the most effective means for...

How Bookmobiles Can Help Students This School Year
Bookmobiles offer a wonderful service to the local community. These mobile units allow libraries to...

Why Mobile Medical Clinics Will Still Be Important Post Pandemic
During the pandemic, the entire healthcare system underwent an incredible amount of stress. As clinics...

Six Benefits of Using a Mobile Medical Vehicle for Urgent Care Clinics
Mobile medical vehicles are used for a variety of purposes. From running blood drives to...

How to Partner with Your Community for Bookmobile Events
Bookmobiles are a wonderful community outreach tool. These vehicles can be designed with almost any...

What Businesses Benefit from Alternative Fuel
Alternative fuel specialty vehicles utilize fuels other than gasoline and diesel to help lower vehicle...

Picking a Tool Truck Chassis
Tool trucks are the perfect way for the owner of a mobile tool franchise to...

Creating a Patient-Friendly Bloodmobile
Bloodmobiles are an excellent way for medical centers to increase their blood donation reach. These...

Four Considerations When Switching to an Alternative Fuel Vehicle
Alternative fuel vehicles are an increasingly popular choice for private businesses and government entities alike....